What is Word League?

Compete with family & friends at word games such as Wordle or Quordle by uploading your score to Word League.

Word League provides you a weekly league, medal tables and many more stats.

Weekly Battle

Game Statistics

What games can I play?

You can complete against your friends by uploading your score from any of these games: Word League also has it's own game called Loldle which aggregates your scores across the other games you play.

Is Word League Free?

For the moment yes. In the future we will add advertisements to cover our costs or offer a premium subscription.

Data Privacy

To keep your data secure we use Google authentication which means we don't have access your password but we do store your name and email address:
  • Your name is visible to people you are in a league with
  • Your email address is visible to the administrators of leagues you join


If you have any suggestions or improvements for Word League, we'd love to hear from you. Please submit your feedback here.

Creating a New League

On the Home page, click New League. Enter the Name you would like for your league and check the games that league members will play then click Save.

Adding Members to a League

From the home page, click on the league you want to add members to. Send the the URL of this page to anyone you want to join. Once they have logged in they will be able to request to join the league:

To join this league, click below.

The league administrator(s) will then have to approve the request.

Approving League Members

To approve requests to join a league, go the league from the Home page and click on . You will then be able to approve join requests.

General Scoring Rules
  • If you forget to play a day or don't complete a word, you pay a penalty.
  • On the last day of the week, your score is doubled. We call this Pipping Sunday and it makes for an exciting end to the week!

For this game, you'll get a score of 4:

    Wordle 768 4/6


If you forget to play you'll get 8 and if you don't get the word, you'll also get 8.

Quordle (Daily & Sequence)

For this game, you'll get a score of 5+7+6+3 = 21:

    Daily Quordle 551
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If you don't get a word it will be scored at 12 and if you forget to play, the day will be scored as 48.


For this game, you would get a score of 44, the number of seconds you took to complete the game:

    Fastdle (.com)
    Win Streak: 6

If you don't complete Fastdle or forget a day, you'll get a score of 400.